Android Hacking 15
- 01 - Introduction to Android App Hacking
- [Frida Labs] 01 - Frida Setup & Hooking a Method
- [Frida Labs] 02 - Calling a Static Method
- [Frida Labs] 03 - Changing the Value of a Variable
- [Frida Labs] 04 - Creating a Class Instance
- [Frida Labs] 05 - Invoking Methods on an Existing Instance
- [Frida Labs] 06 - Invoking a Method with an Object Argument
- [Frida Labs] 07 - Hooking the Constructor
- [Frida Labs] 08 - Introduction to Native Hooking
- [Frida Labs] 09 - Changing the return value of a native function
- [Frida Labs] 10 - Calling a Native Function
- [Frida Labs] 11 - Patching Instructions using X86Writer and ARM64Writer
- [FridaLab] All Challenges Walktrough
- Decompile & Patching APK
- Rooting Device Realme 3 Pro